Limited number of tickets are available at the door!

Don\’t Worry about the Weather Forecast

Experience the Budapest bath culture to the fullest!

SPArty is organized under all circumstances except in very-very extreme weather conditions, so be it hot or cool on Saturday, the 33-38 degrees Celsius experience pools of Szechenyi Bath are awaiting you from 10:30PM. Groovy music, mind-bending visuals, bubbling SPArty spirit in Budapest.

The weather in Budapest during the summer is quite hot. You may think – who wanna dance in a hot pool when the temperature is sweltering?! You’re definitely wrong. Nights are slightly warm in the Hungarian capital, even during the hottest weeks of the summer. So a party in warmish pools with cold cocktails and sizzling atmosphere is rather appealing.

And what about wintertime? When everybody wears fur coats and boots, the best solution to fight against the winter depression is to get rid of your scarf and gloves, find your swimsuit in the back of your drawer, and join the ultimate party experience of Europe, the SPArty.

Is it raining or snowing? Who cares when your whole body is already wet. It even enhances the experience. Just remember Gene Kelly’s famous act from the movie Singin’ in the rain! “What a glorious feeling”

So putting it in a nutshell, don’t worry about the weather forecast when you’re planning your weekend getaway to Budapest. The pools of the Széchenyi Bath will be full of people on Saturday evenings, the only question is – will you be among them? Buy your SPArty tickets online well in advance and check the early bird benefits!