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A beautiful weekend in Budapest

Experience the Budapest bath culture to the fullest!

A city just simply cannot be explored in a day. Tourist guides might try to rush you through the main attractions in an afternoon but it is not an experience but a slideshow. Budapest is such a city. Budapest is perfect for a weekend long trip, where you can conquer the hills of Buda, see the, have a little bit of taste of Hungary, see the Buda Castle, and mingle in the metropolis of Pest. The roadmap gives you a great overview of the city which you can take at your own time during your weekend trip in Budapest

The weekend begins with a visit to historic landmarks of Buda Castle and the Chain Bridge. The panoramic views from Castle Hill will leave you breathless, while the Jewish Quarter is a fascinating place with its street art and trendy ruin bars. One of the best places to start the evening can be Gozsdu Udvar with its many restaurants, cafés and bars. As the Sun goes down the place becomes a hub for the most interesting people coming from all over.

As the night rolls around, you have to venture into the world of Sparty, a unique fusion of bath culture and party. You can find a lively crowd at one of Budapest’s transformed thermal baths, where pulsating beats and vibrant lights create an electrifying atmosphere. Dancing and relaxing in the warm thermal waters, you can have a unique experience in this unforgettable and one-of-a-kind experience.

The second day starts by visiting the City Park for a bit of relaxation. Here you can take a walk in a beautiful park, have a birds eye view of Budapest by flying up a 150 meters in the sky, or just simply have a picnic in the shade. The day culminates in a visit to the captivating Light Art Museum, where mesmerizing installations and interactive exhibits showcase the power of light as an art form.

A weekend in Budapest offers an incredible blend of historical exploration, relaxation, gastronomic delights, and vibrant nightlife. On the Buda side you can easily immerse yourself in the history of the city and look at Budapest through the ages, how was it able to evolve. On the Pest side you will be drawn in by the light art installations at the Light Art Museum after which a Sparty event at the famous Széchenyi Thermal Bath will energize you and give you an experience you can hardly get anywhere else.