Limited number of tickets are available at the door!

What are the best bath parties in Europe?

Experience the Budapest bath culture to the fullest!

The answer is simple as there is only one real bath party on the whole continent and beyond, the weekly organized SPArty in Budapest. This unusual and exclusive event is held in the popular Széchenyi Baths in Budapest every Saturday from February to December.

Well, you probably already know this place from websites and postcards, but the whole venue goes through a total transformation for Saturday nights. Dazzling visual effects, party music and dancing bodies shift the daytime lazy and relaxing atmosphere.

The event is more and more popular each year with an average 70.000 + guests annually.

Tickets are sold out quickly and you’ll definitely regret if you miss SPArty while you’re in Budapest. So, don’t hesitate too much, check our website for the available dates and discover our Early bird discounts, as well as other benefits.