We are the one and only bath party. If you came for the Budapest nightlife, we believe it’s the best thing to do in Budapest. Come to Széchenyi Bath and see this unique spa party experience for yourself!

The story of Sparty starts in 1994, when a group of friends decided to bring together two things they love: the ancient bath culture of Budapest, and modern electronic dance music. This is the place where magic happens every Saturday.
Adventurers from all around the world gather at the one and only bath party, and spend the best night of their life in the legendary Széchenyi Bath. So don’t say that we haven’t warned you: it’s going to be a party you will never forget.
How to make the Bath Party?
Every Saturday: from February to December, Sparty opens its doors weekly to host everyone who’s up for some spa fun to today’s best electronic dance music.
While twice a year, in August and December, the Grand Budapest Bath Party gets even more grandiose. Our Sparty Special (Cinetrip) is the exquisite older brother of Sparty, a bath party at the legendary Széchenyi Bath where we turn the heat, the visuals with fireworks and the fun up a notch.
Sparty takes place in a bath (and great one for that), but it is and foremost a party. Daytime services are not available during the party. Everything we offer is there for you to have as much fun as possible. If you’d like to enjoy saunas or massages at Széchenyi, we recommend visiting the bath the day after your Sparty experience – you know how it goes with the hair of the dog.